Browse Faculty

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
B Bedrijfskunde EB_BK Programme
B Econometrie en Operationele Research EB_EOR Programme
B International Business Administration EB_IBA Programme
Bachelor of Science Economie en bedrijfseconomie EB_EBE Programme
Digital Business and Innovation EM_DBI Programme
Econometrics and Data Science EB_EDS Programme
Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health (Research) BM_RM Programme
M Accounting and Control EM_ACC Programme
M Accounting and Control (parttime) EM_ACC_PT Programme
M Business Administration EM_BA Programme
M Econometrics and Operations Research EM_EOR Programme
M Economics EM_EC Programme
M Finance EM_FIN Programme
M Marketing EM_MKT Programme
M Spatial, Trans and Environmental Economics EM_STREEM Programme
Marketing (postinitiƫle master EQ_MKT Programme
Master Entrepreneurship (joint degree) EM_ENT_JD Programme
P Business Administration EP_BA Programme
P Digital Business and Innovation EP_DBI Programme
P Finance EP_FIN Programme
P Marketing EP_MKT Programme
PG Accountancy EPG_ACC Programme
Transport and Supply Chain Management EM_TSCM Programme

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